Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
Howard Ll Williams and 2 more
Not Available
Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism
Renato Cristi
Adorno and Critical Theory
Hauke Brunkhorst
Lyotard and the End of Grand Narratives
Gary K Browning
William Morris
Ruth Ellen Kinna
Ruth Kinna
Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights
Sharon AndersonGold
Ernest Gellner and Modernity
Michael Lessnoff
Michael H Lessnoff
John Rawls
Patrick Hayden
Kant's Critique of Hobbes
Howard Williams
Machiavelli Revisited
Joseph V Femia
In Defence of Multinational Citizenship
Siobhán Harty and 1 more
Hegel on Freedom and Authority
The Monstrous and the Dead
Mark Neocleous
Robert Porter
Modernity Reconstructed
José Maurício Domingues
Multiculturalism and the Law
Omid A Payrow Shabani
Rorty's Politics of Redescription
Gideon Calder
Groups in Conflict
Donald Franklin
John Gray and the Problem of Utopia
John Hoffman
Charles Taylor
Keith Spence
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
Sorin Baiasu
Poverty, Ethics and Justice
Hennie Lötter
Kant on Sublimity and Morality
Joshua Rayman
H P P Lötter
Identity, Politics and the Novel
Ian Fraser
Politics and Teleology in Kant
Paul Formosa and 2 more
Hegel and Marx After the Fall of Communism
David MacGregor
Renato Cristi and 1 more
Howard Williams and 2 more
The Postsecular Political Philosophy of Jürgen Habermas
Dafydd Huw Rees
Reason, Normativity and the Law
Alice Pinheiro Walla
The Moral Standing of the State in International Politics
Milla Emilia Vaha
Isaiah Berlin
Robert Kocis
Kant's Critique of Practical Reason
Otfried Höffe
The Ethics of Remote Warfare
Lily Hamourtziadou